Tilda Publishing
Tashkent, Oct 27-28
#techconf #vc #startups
Contact us
Attend in person and find yourself a suitable ticket!
  • Access to exhibition floor
  • Learn from the most accomplished founders and investors stepping on our stages
  • Meet with investors attending through the Matchmaking Tool
  • Personalized mentoring from our speakers
  • Connect with the other founders and startup operators
  • Get an expert assessment of your project
  • Afterparty
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Startup VIP
  • Access to exhibition floor
  • Learn from the most accomplished founders and investors stepping on our stages
  • Meet with investors attending through the Matchmaking Tool
  • Personalized mentoring from our speakers
  • Connect with the other founders and startup operators
  • Get an expert assessment of your project
  • Afterparty
  • Access to VIP-lounge
  • Access to VIP reception
Buy now
  • Access to exhibition floor
  • Learn from the most accomplished founders and investors stepping on our stages
  • Book meetings with startup founders and operators through the Matchmaking Tool
  • Network with the other investors attending
  • Learn about the latest innovative projects of exhibiting companies
  • Find out the main trends of venture investments
  • Afterparty
  • Access to VIP-lounge
  • Access to VIP reception
Buy now
  • Access to exhibition floor
  • Learn from the most accomplished founders and investors stepping on our stages
  • Meet the most relevant people in your industry through our Matchmaking Tool
  • See the next big ideas and up-and-coming companies
  • Afterparty
Buy now