Tilda Publishing
Tashkent, Oct 27-28
#techconf #vc #startups
Contact us
STEPS:2022 Call for volunteers
STEPS invites you to become a part of the biggest venture conferences in Central Asia by becoming one of the behind-the-scenes wizards. We are searching for around 50+ driven volunteers to help to make it happen and make sure everything runs smoothly.

As a volunteer at STEPS Conference you are going to get great experience and acquired skills and meet a lot of inspiring people. Here you will dive into a big team of open-minded people focused on improvement of their communication and event-organizing skills, network with people from your industry and beyond, taking new ideas and approaches.

We believe that there is nothing more exciting than working together at STEPS

Please fill out this quick form to tell us more about your voluteering experience. A member of our team will be in touch to discuss.
We look forward to connecting with you, and hopefully working with you in our team!

If you have any questions, please reach out to us via hello@stepsconf.com
Please describe what languages you speak and level
What are the relevant skills and previous experiences you think we should know about?
In which team do you see yourself as the best fit? (choose up to three options)
Have any questions?
Please contact stepsconf@gmail.com